This was the dish in the book. |
My attempt |
My attempt #2 |
So recently I started learning about Molecular cuisine. I enjoy following Grant Achatz work, he is one of my favorite chefs with an incredible story that show's how determined he was to get where he wanted to in life. Grant has a restaurant called Alinea and Next. Next was just recently opened in Chicago I dream to go there one day. As I was reading grants book about Alinea I found a recipie of a dish that I was intreseted in. I wanted to attempt to make it. This gave me an Idea of what it was like to work with chemicals. Also, along with this dish I learned about pricing. What it would cost to make the dish, what the food cost is, and food profit. I usually HATE math but I really enjoyed learning about this. The way I was taught it just made since. I couldnt ask for a better group of people to help me learn.
The dish is kobe beef, with honey dew melon slices, a soy pudding, citrus sugar that took 10 hours in a dehadrytor, micro cilantro, and english cucumber.
This week I am going to change this dish and make it my own using the same concept of ingredients. Hereee Goesss!