
Friday, December 9, 2011

So, I made it to Belle Haven Country Club

Arrived here in the "DMV" about a week ago after a brutal 16 hour drive. A co-worker rode with for support. We drove through blizzards in Indiana... Downpouring Rain... and Endless construction work.

I started at the Country Club on December 2nd. Stepping in a new kitchen with all new people can be incredibly nerve-racking. My first task was to learn a program called ChefTec and enter invoices from previous orders into the computer. Then once completed I learned how to make an Oyster Soup, needless to say I was nervous just making a basic roux. Then after completed I had to go gather 10 white onions. Once again I learned next time grab a box when you have to try and carry 10 onions up two flights of stairs.... What a nightmare... As the day continued It got a little better. Day 2, was alot smoother and my nerves were gone as I started learning my way around the kitchen. Although, I did have to carve turkey for 150 people. Which was difficult at first seeing as I have never carved anything in front of anyone ever. So it was a change.

Working in the club is such a change from any type of work I have ever done. Seeing 6 different events for one day can be slightly intimidating. Yet, Its a fun challenge at the same time.. As I am handed new tasks everyday I always remember someone telling me "Julia, This is not an all day project" So I try and get everything done as fast and precise as possible. Yesterday, I was asked to medium dice 30lbs of Carrots.. Oh joyyy... After it was all finished I looked at my hand and suprisngly barely even had a calis from my knife. Also, working in this club there are many different lanquages spoken, So basically Im learning spanish and picking up on what I can. I can now hold a basic conversation..

-So much more to add but only so much time in a day before work! I'll keep posting as the learning continues :)

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