
Thursday, June 23, 2011


  1. Put your heart and soul into what you cook
    "Cooking is like love.  It should be entered into with abandon or not at all." Harriet van Horne 
  2. Put time and care into your cooking
    "Enchant, stay beautiful and graceful, but do this, eat well. Bring the same consideration to the preparation of your food as you devote to your appearance. Let your dinner be a poem, like your dress." -Charles Pierre Monselet
  3. Don’t try to make it too fancy
    "Make [food] simple and let things taste of what they are." -Curnonsky
  4. Keep in mind why you are cooking
    "Food is not about impressing people. It’s about making them feel comfortable." -Ina Garten
  5. Ask experts for advice
    "If God had intended us to follow recipes, He wouldn’t have given us grandmothers." -Linda Henley-Smith
  6. Be patient
    "Cooking is an art and patience a virtue… Careful shopping, fresh ingredients and an unhurried approach are nearly all you need. There is one more thing - love. Love for food and love for those you invite to your table. With a combination of these things you can be an artist - not perhaps in the representational style of a Dutch master, but rather more like Gauguin, the naïve, or Van Gogh, the impressionist. Plates or pictures of sunshine taste of happiness and love." -Keith Floyd
  7. Start with the basics and the rest will come
    "Once you understand the foundations of cooking - whatever kind you like, whether it’s French or Italian or Japanese - you really don’t need a cookbook anymore." -Thomas Keller
  8. Stay Positive, & Patient
    “Take the time to learn, and try new things, don’t let the craziness bring you down and most importantly don’t be afraid to make mistakes, and work harder than the person next to you.”-Tim Grandinetti

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